Safety Information
Water sports can be hazardous and physically challenging; to minimise the risk follow these rules and safety advice:
Please take all medication with you if required e.g., asthma inhalers, epinephrine injections (EpiPens) etc.
Please inform SK staff if you or any of your party have a medical condition or injury of any kind e.g., a back injury, heart condition, pregnancy etc.
Wear appropriate clothing and footwear (strictly no jeans, denim, or suede; these retain the water, become heavy when wet and will make you cold).
Children should always wear buoyancy aids when on or near the water and must be always accompanied by a responsible adult (18+).
Do not stand in the kayak.
Please endeavour to stay to the right-hand-side of the river and give way to all other craft (incl. powered boats).
Stay clear of weirs and locks. It is strictly forbidden to go down the weir in one of our kayaks; please use available portages.
Only land where indicated – much of the land surrounding the river Stour is privately owned. For information on picnic sites and appropriate places to stop, speak to SK staff.
When removing the kayak from the water, please do so safely and appropriately. Tandem kayaks should always be carried by two people, using the front and back handles to remove the kayak from the water and side handles when carrying across land. Single kayaks should be carried by two people where possible.
Keep portages clear for other river uses - remove kayaks from the water where possible.
Do not disturb wildlife or interfere with nesting sites.
Do not leave litter – please take it with you or hand to SK staff.
Alcohol is strictly not allowed in the boats. You will be refused access to the boats if you appear intoxicated.
We recommend downloading the what3words app, so that you can notify emergency services of your location in the event of an emergency. SK contact details are displayed in each boat.
Be courteous to other river users.
SK accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings whilst on our premises, Henny Swan premises or on our kayaks. We have no secure storage facilities onsite.
You are responsible for yourself and other members of your group.
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease)
It is important that all river uses are familiar with the symptoms of this disease; they are similar to those of influenza (high temperature, nausea and muscle aches). Leptospira bacteria is often carried by rats and excreted by their urine, which contaminates waterways. There is a great chance of infection in slow-moving or stagnant water, especially where agriculture and rodents mix. Exposure can be heightened through some activities e.g., swimming where some water will almost inevitably enter the mouth. To minimise the risk of contracting Weil’s Disease, please follow the following guidance:
Be aware that certain activities can cause open wounds or take place near the waters edge where rat urine is more likely can increase the likelihood of contracting the disease.
Do not swallow river water.
Avoid capsize drill or rolling in stagnant water or slow-moving water.
Wash your hands before eating.
Cover minor scratches, cuts or abrasions on exposed parks of the body with waterproof plasters.
Where possible, wash or shower after taking part in water-based activities.
Consult your doctor if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms following contact with water on the river.
Solo Paddling
If you are paddling solo, you acknowledge and accept that it is best to be accompanied on the water. You accept and understand the additional risks that are involved with solo paddling.
Group Leaders
Individuals designated group leaders are responsible for all members of the group and will endeavour to keep all members of the group together when on the water.
You will be asked to complete and sign a hire agreement and waiver agreeing to abide by the aforementioned rules and advice, and acknowledge that you liable for any costs incurred by SK as a result of loss or damage of hired equipment.